
Harmonious Thoughts and Emotions

Illness is caused by inharmonious thoughts and emotions that are drawing you away from your soul's purpose. Thoughts and emotions that lift you up and motivate you to Divine Purpose and activity are what you might wish to focus on right now. Secure within you only those thoughts and emotions that are Harmonious with Divine Purpose.

We Choose Love

Everything we think, feel, do, believe and dream matters. We choose love. We discovered within, everything that needed healing and addressed it. But this process isn't over. If new self discoveries come to the surface, address those one by one until all is healed. Don't be afraid to look at them. Hold them in your heart, then address and acknowledge them and then release them into the ocean. Your little drops in the ocean contribute to the formation of the wave of love.

The Deep Ocean of Emotions

The ocean is deep. Some may drown in the depths of their emotions... in the depths of their depravity. But you... you rose above it all, so you've got this. So, give help to those who are exhausted from swimming, help those who are caught up in the rip-tide, and those who are getting tossed about in the waves.

Inquire Within

Discord is a manifestation of belief, a belief in separation. Begin to examine the status quo. Do not continue to seek solutions from the illusion ot the external. The current collapse of the external systems from the weight of its own density is an opportunity to be free of old energies based on fear. These are not released eaily but require personal examination. Be totally honest with yourself. Inquire within.

Remain Unattached to the 3D Illusion

Remain unattached to the 3D illusion. Everything you see and hear is a movie, a show. Let go of all attachments. No one has control over you. You have the power to simply turn off the television and other sources of media as well as any people in your life who are vying for your attention. You have the powere to turn off those who present you with words or information that do not help you with your spiritual growth.

Hang in There and Ride the Wave

Stay above it all, Angelic guidance is here for us now. Love is being sent. A wave of love is coming. There is sadness and pain, and things will be stormy and tumultuous. But it is actually a wave of love. For some it will seem foreboding. A tidal wave of confusion, disillusionment, and delusions. Many will attempt to get out of the water to escape it. But no one will escape what is coming. A wave is coming a wave of love, truth and understanding. The ocean is deep, but you are riding on top of the wave. You will reach the shore. Soon you will be basking in the sun on the shore in a hammock cradled between two shady palm trees. This story ends in glory.

Happiness is Within You Waiting to be Discovered

Are you happy living a comfortable life based on seperation? Or would you like to achieve the goal of oneness? Will you continue to hold onto your current beliefs, or will you begin to question? Take tiny steps. Happiness is not found in the external. The perfect partner, the perfect job, physical beauty, or wealth. No, What will actually bring permanent happiness? Happiness is within you waiting to be discovered.Alignment with Divine consciousness and a sense of completeness is only found within. Joy is found in oneness, wholeness, abundance and harmony.